E-Cigarettes are electronic devices designed to deliver nicotine in vapor form (commonly referred to as vaping) rather than smoke from traditional tobacco cigarettes. Currently, there are more than 450 brands, or types, of e-cigarettes on the market including: E-Cigars, E-Pipes, Hookah Pens, Vape Pens, and E-Hookahs to name a few. There are numerous unresolved health […]
Automobile Black Boxes Serving Up Evidence in Criminal, Civil Cases
/in Car Accident /by Anthony FergusonMany Maine residents first learned about automobile black boxes after the highly publicized 2004 traffic accident involving then-Governor John Baldacci. While the accident was noteworthy for injuring the governor and his driver, of more interest was the investigation which followed, because the governor, his driver, and State Police disputed black box data that indicated excessive speed […]
Maine Ranked 15th Most Bicycle-Friendly State
/in Bicycle Accident /by Anthony FergusonMaine was ranked the 15th most Bicycle-Friendly State in a new study conducted by The League of American Bicyclists. The study includes data collected by each state’s Department of Transportation and considers these 5 categories to determine the ranking: Legislation and Enforcement Policy and Programs Infrastructure and Funding Education and Encouragement Evaluation and Planning Maine’s 2015 […]
Using Technology to Win Cases
/in Injuries /by Anthony FergusonWe trust our doctors and other health care providers to do no harm. The Hippocratic Oath, which originated in ancient Greece, still embodies the physician’s ethical rule to do no harm. Unfortunately, our trust and the Hippocratic Oath do not eliminate the possibility of error. Occasionally, medical mistakes do happen. When a Medical Error Is Deadly […]
Child Car Seat Safety Laws in Maine
/in Car Accident /by Anthony FergusonMotor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of unintentional deaths for children under 16 in the United States. Child restraints, such as car seats, booster seats, and seat belts, are the most effective way to prevent fatalities in the event of a car crash. Yet, the Bureau of Highway Safety estimates that as many […]
A Mother Knows – Essay by Scholarship Recipient Tasanee Durrett
/in Community News /by Anthony FergusonWe’re proud to announce our 2016 Law Enforcement Family Member Scholarship Recipient: Tasanee Durrett. Below is her essay, titled “A Mother Knows.” It’s a poignent piece about growing up with a mother serving in the Chicago Police Department: A Mother Knows Growing up, my mother always told me “everything happens for a reason”. With everything […]
Elderly Driving Is A Serious Issue In Maine
/in Car Accident /by Anthony FergusonIt’s no secret that America is getting older. Senior citizens face many challenges in these turbulent times, but for many, one painful and contentious issue is deciding when it’s time to give up the car keys. It’s a matter that strikes at the heart of an individual’s sense of personal liberty and competence, and it’s […]
Dog Bite Treatments and Liability
/in Dog Bites /by Anthony FergusonNot every dog qualifies as man’s best friend. A dog owner or dog keeper can be liable for harm caused by a dog that has behaved aggressively in the past despite not being provoked. Dog bites can cause lasting damage, both physical and emotional. Dog Bite Statistics According to the Centers for Disease Control and […]
Defective E-Cigarettes
/in Personal Injury /by Anthony FergusonE-Cigarettes are electronic devices designed to deliver nicotine in vapor form (commonly referred to as vaping) rather than smoke from traditional tobacco cigarettes. Currently, there are more than 450 brands, or types, of e-cigarettes on the market including: E-Cigars, E-Pipes, Hookah Pens, Vape Pens, and E-Hookahs to name a few. There are numerous unresolved health […]
Should Lane Splitting Be Allowed for Motorcyclists in Maine?
/in Motocycle Accident /by Anthony FergusonLane splitting, the practice of passing traffic in the space between two lanes, is practiced by motorcyclists in many states. Although police may overlook it, lane splitting is often against the law. California is currently considering a bill that would allow motorcyclists to engage in lane splitting, reasoning that the practice may actually improve safety. […]
Decrease Pedestrian Accidents by Adding Traffic Lights on the Ground
/in Pedestrian Accident /by Anthony FergusonToday’s technology allows people to stay in touch on the go with friends, family and even work. But smartphones have a side effect – diverting attention and causing accidents. The National Safety Council reports that 1 in 4 car accidents involves the use of cell phones in some manner. Using Smartphones Endangers Pedestrians You may […]